
Wednesday, August 18, 2010

64th Indepence Day......!! Are we humanitarian?

I believe that education brings values of humanity, but this belief might be wrong when I see the modern life, education is means of livelihood, Investment, valuable investment for future, people ready to invest money more than they earn, as long as education system makes children heavy burden to memorise, to get high marks in board examination, to get a seat in medicine or engineering, people are ready to misuse the power, fake mark sheet are available in market, people who cannot score higher marks can buy fake mark sheets, total ambition is to achieve wealth, without effort.

Education become business in various part of our country, most of the parents wants to send their children to abroad, most of the parents only wish to join their children in English medium, all these races for only one goal to get a high salaried job for children in their future. As the children reached to certain level, most of the children never realise that the parents are the ladders of their efforts in their present scenario.

According to any parents, even if the children help them back or not their love and blessing of such unfaithful children remains same. But in life many parents miss to teach their children values of education as well as values of life and love. It is necessary to teach a child that the education is not only the means of livelihood but also exploring wisdom, which must lead to humanitarian in life. People least love one another now a days, ultimate reason, from the childhood many of us find no free time to spend with our children to educate them values of ones mother tongue, value of nature, value of country's Independence, values of love and affection many more values.

In return when the children grow without knowing values they become money making machines in their life, as the result in society younger generation keep in their mind only one value on earn money at any cost. Murderers, robbers, molester are increasing as they want to become rich as soon as possible without doing any hard work. Everyday news paper brings most of the news on victims of violence. Where the society walks on violence each day, internal threat increasing phenomena. All it is to be blamed basic values of the country faded and the people seeks only money but not concern about anything else.

It is shame to say that we have as much as educated people of 64th year's of Democracy in our country, yes, but without values; education has not brought values of humanitarian community but only money making machines. Humanitarian level of our country can be easily measured by watching in television advertisements, such as cinema actor Amir Khan has to advise
through media to public respect foreigners. This poor situation is not only for foreign travellers but also people who are from inter-state were treated as foreigners by one another. How can we say that India is a Independent, Democratic and educated community increased in 64 years of Independent. Money making plays vital part in today's life. To make money any kind of malpractices can be done by the one who seeks money, this is the present situation, all other things are given zero value.

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