
Monday, January 28, 2013


When Human start to live as a small group in the cave, the men go to hunt animals for food, those who are able to kill animal bravely who was chosen by the woman to live together. The woman was also as brave as men to fight against if some of the group members or animal attacks her. In the early days as women were treated by the group where she born as a commoner, a tool to solve their lust. If a man from other groups violates women as there was no security for them to protect; because men go to hunt. In this situation women suffered a lot to live, and they were killed and died, count of women became lesser day by day, few women were left in a group to give birth, new members for groups shortage, it became their prime issue. They were put into a situation to take a right decision on this issue.

Men and women were given the choice to choose their partner on the basis of individual performances of men, one who is brave to attack a vigorous animal or a coarse man from another group. In due course contests begins as Bull Fight to win, martial art fights, such competitions were started to show the manliness and brave. So the woman who was coming forward to choose them to live together. Even though the members of the groups were very lesser because the woman of the groups were less. Here again the Burden of woman was increased, men start to share the women, they started fighting for the rights of woman the one who belongs to whom, So to confirm that the woman belongs to a man were tied by tiger teeth or any animal bones, nails on their neckhand, on the forehead the animal was hunted by the brave man. The one who hunts and killed the animal symbolically wore on the woman none other can be claim that woman. The basic reason of the marriage begins at this stage. 

The civilization of humans has a very long and ancient history. Today we are in 21St Century, scientific and technological developments are enormous, its achievements are wonderful. But still we are facing problems to secure women from brutality and barbarian attacks as we seen in the ancient days. It shows that society as a whole are not equally developed as much as science and technology.

In this situation, Delhi gang rape case results in the a boy who involved said to be under age so only 3 months rehabilitation is insufficient, makes us to grief on that issue. According to the News, the boy who attacked the girl most cruel among the accusers in that case, after three months at special whom would change his attitude, if he comes back what would be the guarantee that he will not be more horrible criminal than before. Not only that, young adults can take it as a chance to motivate or encouraged to unlawfulness. Why not Government sets new amendment on Juvenile Law, increasing such crimes against women ban women's progress, to move outside creates horror, unsecured and panic situation, could cause 'not trust anyone' environment. If there is no security for the woman, how the society is called as a developed society. What is called Developed Nation? Or Development of the Country.


Saturday, January 26, 2013


When I was talking with someone I heard about a disease, was not familiar with my knowledge, I was in school or in college if I heard a new word search in the dictionary or to refer the explanation in some of the books was required, now the same way can be helpful, but as the technology advanced Internet brings everything in the fingertips. As I was searching for some of the words I was given thousands of definitions explanations. In this way as I was searching for an answer to my question, I am providing, but there are millions of questions still unanswered. Some answers were surprising me, because it has no solutions. Some diseases have no cure or remedy, in some point my heartfelt sorrow.
The human is only living thing that has the ability to discover and research. Such advancements are not even reaching millions of people in the world. Some people who were got opportunities are wasted. In remote villages and tribal areas the people live as it is. Most of them are not known to go to hospital to treat diseases. Technological educational developments do not reach them yet. So the pathetic condition of those people is needed to be careful, basic education medical help must be provided to them is necessary. Unanswered questions are enormous in this world but when a simple questions of these people are yet be answered.

To find an answer some of us go to libraries, temples, Sadhu's, witchcraft, horoscope, birth stones, until we reach our answer. Some of us are never been answered, every question has an answer, as we could not find it out we might stop searching, or we may think that question itself wrong. For example Atheists say where is God, if it is so, I want to see it face to face, or if God is true why people are living in poverty and diseases. So there is no such things are exist. Some of them need evidence, and scientists also need evidence, or they say God is an imaginary thing about human. Where and when we say there is no answer, it is our ability, we might be asking questions, the answers are unable to see. Unable to find out or beyond our sight, what we are unable to find out are yet to be discovered until cannot claim it is wrong.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013


I have noticed on the street if a stranger dog cross on the street rest of the street dogs joined together bark at that dog, if that stranger dog is smart, it never oppose them back, most of the times it just look back at native dogs of street's, that means he/she excuses, but some of the native, show him that he is the braver than the others, or smarter than the other, straight-away go to bite him on her/his neck, even if the stranger got hurt by the braver, never bite back the natives. This scene always makes me to think, the same way people behave at times. We often describe "extra-ordinary braver" as "animal",example, I still remember few years ago Bollywood Actress Shilpa and Jade's argument scenes on Big Brother.


Men or women ran out of control on their own moods in times behave like an animal, the anger turn into words of sword, where everything else been disappeared from their mind, ultimately there the war begins, "vengeance" mother of all sins occupies mind, rivalry, cruelty dominates and controls as the whole, the result, barbarian life style begins,
ingenious and varied torture inflicting death, mental illness seeks happiness for a while, but not for ever. 

There is a say "Words are sharper than the Sword", words makes magic in our mind, most of the good words makes happy, the inner soul needs it. Greeting one another comforts and soothes; but greeting becomes routine,wish a man without sense, diplomatically rather than stupidity, it neither good nor bad. As a formality we may do or say things without knowing or unknowingly the meaning of what we do and say. As a matter of fact, it affects our inner soul when really it meant. It conveys the happiness carried through the ear to Brain and then to all cells of the body, it start reacts on human body. In some cases we ourselves ignorant but it happens often, it recorded somewhere in our Brain, it alarms us to act on accordingly. We must not hesitate our conscious.

The words what we were often use not only influences collateral, it drew the unseen line in between human. It may be create good or bad impression. Sense of human plays greater part on these great moments.It is a developing process, those lines may become thicker or it could be wiped out, it depends. [The Sixth] Sense plays a greater role on human identification, the Identity of a man or a woman varies from each individual accordingly. Unknown man or woman can be identified by the voice, words, or the body language, if nothing reveals him either our [sixth] sense assumes situations to react accordingly. 

It may differ from person to person, in some cases situation demands action, in this particular circumstance prudence should be given priority rather than assumption. The recent group rape of a young girl and murder case in Delhi is the right example. At that situation shown audacity would create the situation most dangerous. When a person's sub-conscious trigger him to get out of that situation immediately. We must not hesitate the caution which is given by our conscious. Most of the people say "Something said me to get out of that place quickly", often we are warned by our own conscious or sub-conscious, as we ignore caution, fail to act as quickly as possible the results are tremendous. Wherever the incident happened we would normally say "that was happened to them at that place, it won't happen everywhere". Bad incident should not happen, nobody wants it to happen, but it alarming rest of the people to be careful, it may happen in a different form or as same as it was.The message were given by incidents are disappeared in few months or years, but those situations are awaited by the "animals".

"Accidents" cannot be stopped either by law, be vigilant, not only self but also someone who are at that situation, can be given help hand. That makes the difference between human and animal.