At the age of six, when I was joined at School I find
it was difficult to sit at a place with unknown mates, someone (teacher) was
forcing me to write on the slate which she had been writing on the blackboard. Waiting for the lunch breaks I felt a bit relieved from the situation but still even if I was not
hungry should eat lunch. Till 4 o’clock it was like hell to pass the time to go
back to home. At once I reach home my mother embrace me as she also finds
difficult to pass the whole day without my presence. If she has been too strict obviously I would not find the School and the circumstances hated. My parents never
allowed me to take leave for simple reasons, except sickness. To face the
Teachers and the classmates were very difficult till I completed my School final, I
understood that it will be. In those days to complete the School was to pass 11
years, I have learnt many from that duration, not only through studies but also
by the environment. All those days could not be erased from memories of everybody, and it is basement
of entire life that what we are going to be. School is the first place where
we see the world apart from our parents. Each day brings a new lesson which teaches
entirely different dimension of life. In which we will find at each completely
different matter. Of these unintentionally we were propensity to habits, which
might be good or bad.
Here unknowingly an 'inner man' created to every human
being, which start to play his role silently. Most of the times he talks with
us regarding our present and past matters, which we cannot explicit to anyone. A few would
rely upon their school mates whom they think worthy to discuss. Though they
discuss with his mate the inner man would always suggest his opinion silently. Sometimes
we ignore the 'inner man' to decide or ignore on our own, accept on someone’s advice, if it ends
up with good results, we depend the same way on which gives success. The Inner Man
who is not certainly talks good, but also suggest to very worst. The inner
man induces us to various types of actions in different situations. He becomes dominant
than our own, needlessly interfere us. Over time, we ourselves finds
it difficult to overcome his domination. It's become a bigger struggle. At times due to misunderstandings can be faced worst consequences. Here we
are using our knowledge which were gained from religious, parents, friends, books and relatives. Which derives us from the dilemma to choose the right and the
bad. Again the choice comes to our own hand.
Some people would say ‘knowingly’ I did, some people
say ‘ I do not want to do but I was induced to do it’. ‘Knowingly’ meant that
he knew the result if he do it, in the second statement used the word ‘induced’
gives meaning either he has been chosen by the inner man’s domination or by his
parents, friends or the surroundings. Our choice to guided for life has been
most important from our School days. And we should know to lead ourselves on the right
track, to balance the situations could find no more crisis, perquisite.
The man’s mind is like a horse, the trained horses needs Bridle. To ride on a
horse without bridle as risky as to kill us. Train the mind, bridle it to avoid risks is in our hand.